
Holding On Chapter 3

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Literature Text

Blood Red Night
The evening went by relatively quiet now that it had sank into Kenryū and Enryū’s skulls not to anger the saiyan lieutenant. Levi’s wounds were cleaned and bandages were changed, even came back with two less. Princess Rurichiyo found his story quite interesting as she listened to the soldier as they all ate. With Rurichiyo occupied, Toushiro got down to business of asking her bodyguards/servants a little more about their situation.
Toushiro: “Is there anything more you can tell me about these guys?”
Kenryū: “I wish. They sent us this letter and after that... That’s when everything started.”
Toushiro: “Can I see the letter?”
Kenryū handed the young captain the letter and he read it. It was definitely a threatening one and they definitely want Rurichiyo dead. But this letter also may have a secret blessing to it.
Toushiro: “How many people have touched this?”
Kenryū: “Just me, Enryū, Lady Rurichiyo and now you.”
Toushiro: “Vegeta... Smell this for me.”
Vegeta had an idea why Toushiro was asking him that. His sense of smell was so strong that he put many animals to shame. After sniffing the letter throughly, the saiyan had some bad news.
Vegeta: “I only smell them and you.”
Toushiro: “So much for that idea. If they had left a scent of any kind, you could’ve tracked them down.”
Levi: “If their intension is to kill her, why would they send a letter stating their intensions?”
Vegeta: “One word: Sport.”
Rurichiyo: “It’s bad enough that they want to kill me! But they’re toying with me as well?! Why would they do that?!”
Toushiro: “Boredom, competition... They just fell like it, your pick.”
After dinner, everyone headed for bed. Rurichiyo and her servants stayed in Levi’s quarters while the soldier stayed with Vegeta and Toushiro for the night.
Toushiro: “Again, sorry about this, Levi.”
Levi: “It’s alright, Toushiro, really. I understand. Remember I’m the captain of my own squad back in my world. I’ve dealt with stuff like this myself before.”
Toushiro: “And you have no idea how much I’m loving that fact.”
Levi: “Hopefully tonight will be quiet.”
Vegeta: “Hopefully...”
Hours went by. It was the middle of the night and everything seemed quiet. Levi was sleeping peacefully next to Toushiro. Vegeta slept partially curled around them both. All was quiet... Until something roused the saiyan prince. With senses on high alert, Vegeta headed for the door, waking the other two as he did.
Levi: “Hm...?”
Toushiro: “Ugh... Vegeta?”
They both watched as Vegeta slid Toushiro’s door open and looked out into the night. The full moon lit up the world easily. They both could hear the saiyan breathing in the cool night air heavily. He could smell it. There was something out there. Both Levi and Toushiro watched as the prince turned his head towards the direction of where Rurichiyo and her servants were staying. A second later and he growled deeply and silently as he bared his teeth before stepping out into the night. This alerted Toushiro.
Levi: “Where is he going?”
Toushiro: “Stay here.”
Levi: “Why? What’s going on?”
Toushiro: (While quickly getting dressed) “Something tells me we’re about to have company. And it won’t be friendly... Just stay here where you’ll be safe.”
After putting on his haori, Toushiro quickly grabbed his sword and hurried after Vegeta. Levi, on the other hand, had other ideas. Meanwhile, Vegeta was walking down the corridor quietly. He could definitely sense something unfamiliar and unfriendly out there, hiding within the shadows. Meanwhile Toushiro had lost sight of Vegeta. But now even he could sense that something was wrong. There was an eerie feel to the moonlit night... And he had a very good idea what was about to happen. The young captain hurried to wake Rurichiyo and her servants.
Toushiro: “Wake up.”
Rurichiyo: “W-What?”
Kenryū: “What’s going on here?”
Toushiro: “You two get up. We’re about to have company.”
Kenryū and Enryū instantly knew what that meant. They hurried into position to protect Rurichiyo. The princess, however, thought this was a joke.
Rurichiyo: “Oh, honestly! You guys are being paranoid!”
The princess stepped outside and looked around.
Rurichiyo: “There’s nothing out he-”
In the blink of an eye, a hooded figure suddenly appeared and grabbed Rurichiyo!
Kenryū: “Lady Rurichiyo!”
The mysterious man started to run off with Rurichiyo and Toushiro started following him!
Toushiro: “Get back here! Stop!”
Just then many more mysterious hooded figures appeared, blocking Toushiro and Rurichiyo’s caretakers from chasing after her!
Toushiro: “Damn! Get ready!”
Meanwhile, the assassin who had Rurichiyo was starting to get away!
Rurichiyo: “Help!”
But he didn’t get far. With an animalistic screech, Vegeta suddenly jumped out of the shadows and leaped onto the guy’s back, tackling him to the ground in the process! Rurichiyo was thrown out of the assassin’s arms as the saiyan started taring into his back! Just then another assassin appeared and grabbed Rurichiyo again! But he was spotted as Vegeta snarled at him with a bloody mouth. The assassin made a run for it with Vegeta hot on his tail! As they turned a corner, Vegeta was grabbed and shoved to the ground! But the assassin underestimated the saiyan’s strength and the prince shook him off! Just as the assassin regained himself, Vegeta lunged up and sank his teeth into the man’s neck! Meanwhile Toushiro and Rurichiyo’s caretakers had their hands full. At least 12 men stood before them, all slowly advancing upon them.
Toushiro: “What do you want with Rurichiyo Kasumiōji?!”
Assassin: “Like we’d tell you, kid!”
Toushiro: “Then I’ll force it out of you!”
A fight broke out with Toushiro, Kenryū and Enryū all fighting the men together!
Kenryū: “We have to rescue Princess Rurichiyo!”
Toushiro: “Then SHUT UP and FIGHT!”
The assassin holding Rurichiyo quickly hid behind a building and looked through a window to see if he could spot the saiyan, keeping the girl quiet. No good that did him though. With another screech, the saiyan leaped up on a fence beam and made a high pitched screech at the man! The man was obviously shaken by the ferocity and persistence of the prince as said saiyan inched his way closer to him, growling lowly and ominously. But Rurichiyo herself was no pushover. She bit the guy’s arm!
Assassin: “Agh!”
Rurichiyo took the moment to escape while Vegeta tackled the mysterious man through a window, glass shattering loudly as they both crashed through! Rurichiyo managed to make a few feet before another man grabbed her! The assassin carried the girl to the roof, hoping to lose Vegeta as he stepped back outside, drenched with blood. But there was no escaping the mighty prince of the saiyans! Vegeta roared and followed them to the rooftops! Toushiro meanwhile was occupied with a number of assassins as he, Enryū and Kenryū fought the small gang of assassins on their own! Just as he cut one down, the he heard a sound he recognized. A blood chilling screech that filled the night!
Kenryū: “What was that?!”
Toushiro: “Vegeta! (Cuts down another one) HA! Whoever’s got Rurichiyo is dead meat now!”
Enryū lifted up a big rock and threw it at a bunch of guys while Toushiro impaled one more! Meanwhile... Levi had gotten dressed and was running down the outside corridors to see if he could lend a hand. He may not have powers like Vegeta or Toushiro and he still wasn’t fully recovered yet, but he was strong enough to help out. He stopped just for a moment and listened. The night was filled with the sounds of fighting going on everywhere. If he could locate them- Suddenly, a commotion up on the roof! He ran out into the courtyard and saw a stranger carrying Rurichiyo!
Rurichiyo: “Ah! Let me go!”
Levi: “Rurichiyo!”
This had to be one of those men after her! The soldier chased after them from the ground! The man jumped over to the next roof. But then another man appeared! It was Vegeta, hot on the man’s tail! With a loud screech that chilled the night, the saiyan jumped clean over to the top of the other roof, completely cutting off the assassin’s route!
Assassin: “Damn you!”
The man dropped Rurichiyo and prepared to face the saiyan prince head on! Rurichiyo rolled off the edge of the roof and hung there as she grabbed the edge and held on!
Rurichiyo: “Someone help me!”
Levi quickly ran over just as Vegeta lunged for the assassin and clawed into him!
Levi: “Rurichiyo!”
Rurichiyo: “Levi?!”
Levi: “Let go! I’ll catch you!”
Rurichiyo: “O-Ok! Here I go!”
The princess let go. The soldier managed to catch her, albeit stumbling to the ground with her. While Vegeta bit into the assassin ferociously before another one tried to attack him from behind, and failed, Rurichiyo was helped to her feet by the soldier.
Levi: “Come on!”
But before Levi could get her out of there, another man appeared!
Assassin: “We’ve got you now, princess!”
The only thing standing between her and the assassin was Levi. The soldier stood ready to fight! But without a weapon, he wasn’t going to last long.
Levi: “Damn, if only I had a blade or something!”
Rurichiyo gasped and searched her pockets. She gave a short katana to the soldier.
Rurichiyo: “Here! Will this help?!”
Levi unsheathed the blade. Now he had a weapon- it was on now!
Levi: “Greatly!”
With a short blade of his own, the assassin charged at them! Metal clashed as Levi blocked the attack! Rurichiyo stayed behind the soldier as Levi held off the attacker! The assassin thrusted his arm forward and tried to impale the soldier, but Levi dodged and grabbed hold of his arm! With as much strength as he could muster, Levi swung his leg out and struck the man hard! Above, assassin after assassin came from the rooftops, trying to overpower Vegeta! Blood and bodies went flying as the saiyan took them all on! Toushiro, Kenryū and Enryū were starting to overpower the group they were fighting! The fighting was intense as the noise started waking the rest of the squad! On a roof well away from the action, the leader of the cult watched. He watched Toushiro fight alongside Rurichiyo’s servants. He watched Levi pound into the one he was facing before getting countered. But the one he watched the most... was Vegeta as the saiyan easily overpowered each and every assassin that came after him. He didn’t expect this.
Assassin Leader: “Don’t send in anymore men. We won’t win tonight.”
Back down below, the assassin facing off against Levi punched the soldier’s head! Levi stumbled back and the man swiped the sword out of his hand! The assassin made one final charge at Levi and Rurichiyo! In the blink of an eye, however, he was grabbed in the back of his neck by a set of teeth as Vegeta lifted the man up to the roof! Once on the roof the man struggled with the saiyan as Vegeta clawed at him ferociously! Rurichiyo turned her head away while Levi watched as Vegeta sank his teeth into the man’s neck and started shaking him viciously! Rurichiyo covered her ears as the man screamed out in terror and agony before there was a loud snap!... and then all was quiet. Huffing and panting, Vegeta dropped the dead body. Then the saiyan did something truly frightening. He turned and stared right into the leader of the cult’s eyes with a blood curdling stare. The leader stared back with horror. A moment later and the whole Seireitei was wakened as Vegeta roared loudly, confirming what the assassin leader feared.
He knew they were there.
Assassin Leader: “Move out.”
The assassins all left, leaving any surviving comrades to their grizzly fate. Levi sighed and leaned against a building as it became clear. The fight was over and Rurichiyo was still safe.
Levi: “Oh man...”
While he recovered from the adrenaline rush, Levi gave Rurichiyo her weapon back.
Levi: “Thanks. That was helpful.”
Rurichiyo: “Thank you, Levi. Are you alright?”
Levi: “Yeah... Just exhausted.”
With their fight over, Toushiro and Rurichiyo’s caretakers hurried to find the princess. And the young captain had a good idea where to start. Kenryū and Enryū followed the prodigy as he headed for where Vegeta was last heard. They found a grizzly scene and Toushiro knew they were in the right place. Bodies and blood lay everywhere. The three of them glanced up and saw Vegeta descend from the rooftops around the next corner. There they found Vegeta standing next to Levi and Rurichiyo. Both Kenryū and Enryū were more than delighted to see Rurichiyo.
Kenryū: “Princess! You’re safe!”
Rurichiyo: “I am. Thanks to them.”
Toushiro ran over to Vegeta and Levi. He had to admit that he was a little surprised to see the soldier here.
Toushiro: “Levi? Are you alright?!”
Levi: “Yeah, I am.”
Rurichiyo: “Levi fought to protect me while Lieutenant Vegeta was busy.”
Toushiro: “(Looking around at the carnage) I’ll say. (Turning to Levi) Well done, Levi.”
Kenryū: “Please forgive us if we were a little rude earlier, Captain Hitsugaya. I see now that you and your second lieutenant were indeed the right ones for this assignment. And thank you, Vegeta, for saving Lady Rurichiyo.”
Vegeta: “Don’t thank me yet. This is not over.”
Toushiro: “He’s right. We’ve won tonight but they’ll be back and this time they’ll be bringing the big guns, especially now that they know how powerful Vegeta is. We’re gonna need some extra muscle. ... And I know just where to get it...”

Story: © to Me

Toushiro Hitsugaya, Rurichiyo Kasumiōji and Bleach: © to Tite Kubo
Vegeta and DBZ: © to Akira Toriyama
Levi and Attack On Titan: © to Hajime Isayama
© 2015 - 2024 spiritvegeta
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